Thursday, August 18, 2016

Real Passive Income Ideas | Don't Spend A Dime Till You See This!

Real Passive Income Ideas | Don't Spend A Dime Till You See This! 

Let Us Show You Drop Shipping Business Ideas

Did you know you can sell on eCommerce websites? 

What does that mean? Sell on eCommerce websites? Does seem confusing, I get it. I know, when someone says eCommerce - it seems to be a generic term and maybe it is. 

Now looking at Mr. Google, it says the following : 

What is eCommerce? 

Mr. Google says it's a commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet.

So, with that being said, that's any electronic transaction done on the internet. So I'm sure you've bought something online and put your credit card in to buy whatever you wanted, got it sent to your home or someone else's home. That is eCommerce. 

Now turn it around! What if you had products online and someone clicked on it and wanted to buy it from you...hmmm....does that get you thinking? I know it had my mind spinning! So, with that being said, I said I have to know more. 

When you're part of eCommerce you can be part of MANY websites and sell products you have or don't have, yes, I did said you have or don't have. One thing that is super cool is what is called, drop shipping. Okay, so what does that refer to?

Let's take another look at Mr. Google a moment. Because what I feel is drop shipping or also seen as drop-shipping and what someone else may think it is, can be totally different, so let's go to the source. 

So, the definition is : move (goods) from the manufacturer directly to the retailer without going through the usual distribution channels.

Now, what I'm here to share with you, is that you can drop ship directly from home, never touching a product, and get paid. Crazy huh? I know, I love it. I've actually been doing drop shipping for over 12+ years and learned on my own at first, not fun, there is a TON of struggles. So, when I found out 4 years ago that there was a company out there to show me step-by-step how to do drop shipping -- I signed up! You can take a closer look here if your ready to go. 

When I tried to do this on my own, I truly struggled. I had no one to ask questions, no videos to follow, no Facebook groups to ask people doing it, and zero support. So, for me this was a NO brainer! I needed this system and sign me up now so I can get started. I have thought I could watch all their videos and drop the system, do it on my own many times, but come back every single time. Here I am again -- I looking to help more families this round and see more people be successful with me. I don't like doing things alone, it's easier to work as a team and alone. I can do it alone, but the process does take longer. Why not work as a team and enjoy the results together. Are you with me? 

I will stop for now, but make sure you join me here with my blog, on Facebook or in our Facebook group when you partner up with me. Below is all my information to reach me. See you at the top! 

Leah Fike

Want to learn how to sell stuff on eCommerce without EVER touching it? If so, learn more! 

#dropshipjunkie @dropshipjunkie @ebaytraining#amazontraining #ecommerce #lifechanging#moneyathome #cookware

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